Thursday, May 20, 2010

Landis the Liar Now Admits Doping

"All World All Sports"

-Digger's Daily-

Here we go again. Another athlete who tirelessly denied doing anything illegal fesses up to what everyone already knew. Cyclist Floyd Landis spent years and thousands of dollars trying to convince the world he was innocent of any wrong doing. Yesterday, Landis attempted to come clean. He now admits to using performance-enhancing drugs for most of his career as a professional road cyclist, including the race whose title he briefly held (Tour de France).

Quoting directly from According to (Bonnie D. Ford, May 20, 2010):

"In a lengthy telephone interview from California, Landis detailed extensive, consistent use of the red blood cell booster erythropoietin (commonly known as EPO), testosterone, human growth hormone and frequent blood transfusions, along with female hormones and a one-time experiment with insulin, during the years he rode for the U.S. Postal Service and Switzerland-based Phonak teams."

Once a liar, always a liar. Landis went about cheating from day 1 as an amateur. Landis, in true cowardly fashion, is now practicing diversionary tactics. He's naming names to shift the spotlight. Ford's article further claims Landis is... "implicating dozens of other athletes, including seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong; team management and owners; and officials of the sport's national and international governing bodies."

Lance Armstrong spent most of his career under suspicion. Now, here comes a former teammate giving him up. True or false? Does it really matter anymore? Will Armstrong be the next to fess up? I'm amazed at the depths individuals, teams, leagues and officials go to cover up bad apples. World governments are experts in these deceitful practices. Anyone listening to Obama can figure out his words never match up with bills signed into law. Corruption from sports to politics is at an all time high. Reaping in millions by fabricating false stories or covering up devious actions only to come clean telling all what was known from day 1.

So, who's next to come forward about their past? In recent years headlines entertained us with Tiger Woods, Pete Rose, Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Ben Roethlisberger, Gilbert Arenas and countless others. Tell me why these guys are treated as royalty?

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